Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Travel Tips For Your Car-Safe Journeys

It’s that time of the year again — the season to gather the family and head over to Grandma’s house for a holiday dinner or to spend some time with relatives or friends on a winter vacation.

But if you are planning any kind of extended road trips, it’s wise to prepare the family car ahead of time. Being ahead of the game is a whole lot better than getting stranded because you didn’t take some precautions.

Here are a few tips to help ensure your family road trips come off safely this holiday season, courtesy of the folks at Hemet Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram:

Your car needs help for the cold weather. While not everyone lives in or will travel in areas with extreme winter temperatures or locales where the nighttime temps dip precipitously low, it’s always better to do a little prep ahead of time to make doubly sure your family car will be able to withstand the cold. That means check the antifreeze, battery, brakes, exhaust, heaters and oil several days before you plan to head out on the holiday road trip. And be sure to allow extra time for any required repairs to your vehicle.

Carry these necessities. Be sure you have legible road maps (or use your car’s navigation system, plugging in your destination). Carry a tool kit, shovel and flashlight at all times. It’s also a good idea to bring some warm blankets, water and non-perishable snacks.

Some items may need replacing. It may seem like an unnecessary expense, but it really isn’t when you consider the safety and well-being of your family may be at stake. Are the tires worn? Maybe it’s time to replace them.

At the very least, check the air pressure to make sure all tires are properly inflated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (see the tire pressure inflation sticker on the driver’s door or check the vehicle owner’s manual).

That windshield wiper fluid may have served its purpose during the summer and early fall, but wintertime requires cold-weather fluid. Replace the windshield wiper fluid now.

Monday, December 10, 2012

10 Ways to Save on Christmas Travel

During the festive season wallets are given a thrashing, Christmas stockings will be bulging and Australians will be overindulging.

The biggest expense, however, is often travel, and research last month by the Commonwealth Bank found 3.2 million Australians are planning a Christmas holiday and each adult will spend an average $1152 on their trip.

So we've asked the experts to explain how you can cut travel costs this holiday season.

1. Be flexible. 
MyBudget founder and director Tammy May says flexibility "is the key when planning a holiday."
"You can check the date ranges and choose the ones that are the most affordable," she says.
"Flying on a Monday versus a weekend may be cheaper, but the longer you leave it things do get more expensive."

2. Set a budget.
Be realistic and include all your expenses that you will be hit with while you're away, May says.
"Include hire car fees, taxis, food and all those expenses," she says. "You can get caught out on holidays shopping because you get into the mindset of spending more money when you don't need to."

3. Use wi-fi.
May says when travelling abroad look at ways to communicate with friends and family without being hit with huge expenses.

"Look at using Viber, if you're on wi-fi, it allows for free calls, texts," she says. "There are other apps you can use that are free to leave voicemail messages too if you are hooked into wi-fi."

4. Credit card costs.
AMP financial planner Tony Rigby says look carefully at the fees attached to using plastic, especially if travelling overseas. "Take into consideration the normal fees you are paying," he says.

"And if you haven't budgeted properly and you've blown out your budget when you're overseas, are you going to be able to cope when you get back with the interest rates on cards around 20 per cent?"

Rigby says ATM charges can vary from bank to bank.

5. Currency exchange.
If heading overseas, don't leave buying foreign currency to the last minute, avoid expensive airport conversions, and take a combination of cash, travel cards and credit cards, the Commonwealth Bank says. "By reviewing the resources and financial products available before departure, travellers can avoid being hit with unexpected international transaction fees," CBA executive Michael Cant says.

AMP's Rigby says prepaid travel money cards are a great way to carry money, and remove the issues that surround carrying large wads of cash.

"It's a bit like a credit card except it's a standard cash card and it's loaded up, for example by using BPAY," he says.

"They offer all different currencies and you are locking in an exchange rate in advance. You know exactly how much you are going to pay and can reload it whenever you want."

6. Travel insurance.
Rigby says there are ways of cutting costs when taking out travel insurance cover.

He says some financial institutions offer insurance cover with credit cards, but it depends on how much you spend on the card to whether or not you'll be entitled to insurance cover.

7. Sign up to travel newsletters.
If you haven't booked yet, Fulvia Montresor, senior director at comparison site, says it's wise to sign up to online travel newsletters. "Some hotel and airline sites have a weekly sale period or "happy hour" where prices get slashed," she says.
"If you don't like spam clogging up your inbox, start a new email account for deals."

8. Country choice.
With the Aussie dollar remaining strong, hovering about US$1.04, Montresor says look at the currency rates at destinations you might like to travel to in order to make your holiday more economical.

"Think about travelling to the US and Europe as you will get more bang for your buck in these destinations," she says.

"Also don't forget to claim back your value-added tax (VAT) if you've shopped in Europe." It can be up to 20 per cent and varies between retailers and depends on how much you spend.

9. Reserve a car now, shop later.
Montresor says there are ways to get good deals on car hire. "Find a great rate now and reserve it (the car)," she says. "As you get closer to your travel date be sure to check deal sites to see if any last-minute, discounted rates have become available."

If there is a better deal, cancel your reservation, which should be fee-free, and lock in the cheaper option.

10. Accommodation choices.
Rigby says make sure you are booking accommodation that's in a convenient location.

"Look at booking a place that is self-contained or has cooking facilities to cut down on costs and make it cheaper. Research your location and spend the time to make sure the place is within easy reach of things you want to see, make sure you're within reasonable walking distance of places."